A Consulting Firm to Develop Pre-Feasibility Studies and Analyze the Regulatory Framework for Mini-G

MadagascarTenders notice for A Consulting Firm to Develop Pre-Feasibility Studies and Analyze the Regulatory Framework for Mini-G. The reference ID of the tender is 114148712 and it is closing on 20 Feb 2025.

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Tender Details

  • Country: Madagascar
  • Summary: A Consulting Firm to Develop Pre-Feasibility Studies and Analyze the Regulatory Framework for Mini-G
  • MGT Ref No: 114148712
  • Deadline: 20 Feb 2025
  • Competition: ICB
  • Financier: World Bank (WB)
  • Purchaser Ownership: Public
  • Tender Value: Refer Document
  • Notice Type: Tender
  • Document Ref. No.: 0002013899
  • Purchaser's Detail :
  • Purchaser : WORLD BANK(WB)
    MG - Madagascar

  • Description :
  • The Digital and Energy Connectivityfor Inclusion in Madagascar (DECIM) project aims to expand access to renewableenergy and digital services and increase the inclusion of underservedcommunities. The project takes a coordinated approach to capture synergies inthe mutual deployment of energy infrastructure and services and Information andCommunication Technology (ICT). Access to energy is a fundamental prerequisitefor connecting individuals and businesses to ICTs and digital services.Conversely, the increasing adoption ofbroadband digital devices and the deployment of grid infrastructure can boostelectricity demand from consumers and businesses, creating reliable revenuestreams for public utilities and private sector providers, thereby increasingthe impact of each additional power connection.Both renewable energy and increasedaccess to digital technologies are essential for reducing greenhouse gasemissions and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation.Thus, the Government of Madagascar(GoM), with funding from the International Development Association (IDA), seeksto select a consulting firm to:Analyze the regulatory framework for public-private partnerships (PPPs) for mini-grids and propose improvements to encourage private investment.Carry out two tasks: pre-feasibility studies on the list of 8 mini-grids and provide advisory services to help the government achieve its rural electricity access targets.These mini-grids, which were financedunder PPP arrangements, are now at a standstill due to various reasons: poormanagement, underestimated maintenance costs, technical issues related tomaintenance, overestimated demand, and lack of funds for infrastructureextension or renewal, etc.As part of the provision of anaffordable and sustainable public service, the Government wishes to launchpre-feasibility studies on these sites (see annex for the list of sites) toassess the feasibility of recommissioning these sites that were previouslyelectrified.
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  • Documents :
  •  Tender Notice

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